Monday, November 15, 2010

Hawaii "Babymoon"

Jason and I got home yesterday from a wonderfully relaxing vacation in Hawaii. The weather was perfect - around 80 degrees and sunny every day! We spent time at the beach, by the pool, and did a lot of walking around Honolulu. I presented at a conference on our last day there, and that went really well! All in all, we had a great trip and soaked up all the sun and quality Brenna-and-Jason time we could (before the madness of the holidays and baby's arrival get here!). Every time we travel, we're reminded of how much fun we have together and what a great team we make! (Jason sure does make a great travel buddy when preggo swollen feet need rubbing on an airplane!)

Here are some pictures from paradise...

1st Baby Shower

We had our first baby shower in Toledo last weekend. Joni and Holly did a wonderful job - everything looked so cute in black and green polka dots and the food tasted great! Unfortunately I got distracted and didn't take any pictures that day, but believe me when I say it was beautiful :^)

We got so many wonderful things - all kinds of clothes, bath supplies, toys, strollers, pack 'n play, hamper, and so much more! I can't believe how lucky we are to have so many generous people in our life! And I still have two more showers to go!!

So I did take one picture - This is our car when we got home from the shower, packed to the gills with baby supplies! Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated with us!