Monday, November 15, 2010

Hawaii "Babymoon"

Jason and I got home yesterday from a wonderfully relaxing vacation in Hawaii. The weather was perfect - around 80 degrees and sunny every day! We spent time at the beach, by the pool, and did a lot of walking around Honolulu. I presented at a conference on our last day there, and that went really well! All in all, we had a great trip and soaked up all the sun and quality Brenna-and-Jason time we could (before the madness of the holidays and baby's arrival get here!). Every time we travel, we're reminded of how much fun we have together and what a great team we make! (Jason sure does make a great travel buddy when preggo swollen feet need rubbing on an airplane!)

Here are some pictures from paradise...

1 comment:

  1. "Brenna & Jason...Preggo in Paradise!" Sounds like the sequel to a great family movie series. Soon we'll be preparing to begin the countdown for the premiere showing of "Baby Burghardt Brings in the New Year".
    Great photos! I'm so happy that your time away together was relaxing (minus the swollen feet!)
